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Elementary Science Grade 2

Pre-Requisites: None
Credits: 1.0
Estimated Completion Time: 32-36 weeks


The Elementary Science Grade 2 course will spark curiosity in students and build a solid foundation in concepts across many types of sciences including Earth Science, Life Science, and Physical Science. Students will engage in science and engineering practices by asking questions, defining problems, developing and using models, planning and conducting investigations, analyzing and interpreting data, using mathematics and informational technology, constructing explanations, designing solutions, engaging in scientific arguments using evidence, and communicating results. A framework of active student learning supports and allows students to engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate throughout all courses. This dynamic format will help students build their own understanding from experiences and new ideas in order to facilitate a better understanding of the world around them.

Major Topics and Concepts

Segment One

Module 01 - Properties Of Objects

  • Shape, Color, Size, And Texture
  • Measuring Temperature
  • Measuring Weight
  • Floating Or Sinking
  • Push And Pull
  • Daily Temperatures

Module 02 - States Of Objects And Materials

  • Solids, Liquids, And Gases
  • Solids And Shape
  • Liquids With Shape
  • Trapping Gas
  • States Of Water
  • Disappearing Water
  • Changing States

Module 03 - Volume

  • Volume Of A Substance
  • Measuring Volume
  • Comparing Volumes

Module 04 - Changes In Materials

  • Changes In Materials
  • Investigate Change
  • Different materials, same changes?

Module 05 - Weather Patterns

  • What’s up with the weather?
  • Measuring Weather
  • Patterns in Nature
  • Daily Weather
  • Season To Season
  • Find The Pattern
  • Hot or cold?
  • Investigating The Weather

Module 06 - Wind/Severe Weather

  • Air is all around us!
  • An air investigation!
  • The Moving Air
  • Strong And Light Wind
  • The Power Of The Wind
  • The Effects Of Wind
  • What is severe weather?
  • Beware Of Severe Weather
  • Don’t be scared, prepare!

Segment Two

Module 07 - Rocks/Soil

  • What’s that on the ground?
  • Exploring Rocks
  • Let’s compare rocks!
  • Sizing Up Rocks
  • Different Rocks, Different Looks
  • Exploring Soil
  • What makes soil?
  • How is soil formed?
  • Soil Here, Soil There
  • A Rainbow Of Soil
  • Investigating Soil
  • Can it grow plants?
  • The Mystery Soil

Module 08 - Sun's Energy

  • Sunlight And Heat
  • Warmth And Sunlight
  • Heating Earth
  • Sunlight Around The World

Module 09 - Forms Of Energy

  • Electrifying Electricity
  • Earth’s Natural Power
  • There’s an energy for that!

Module 10 - Forces And Changes In Motion

  • Welcome to Fizzworks Factory!
  • Need A Push
  • A push or pull?
  • Force And Speed
  • Big And Small Forces
  • The Effects Of Force
  • The Power Of Force
  • Magnificent Magnets
  • Do we have a problem?
  • The Solution

Module 11 - Human Body

  • Exploring The Human Body
  • Journey Inside The Body
  • The Brain
  • The Heart
  • The Lungs
  • The Stomach
  • Mighty Muscles
  • All About The Skeleton
  • My body can do what?

Module 12 - Basic Needs

  • Basic World, Basic Needs
  • Comparing Basic Needs
  • Welcome To My Habitat
  • Living With The Land
  • The Habitats Of Earth
  • Sunlight With A Side Of Water

Module 13 - Life Cycles

  • Seed To Bean
  • Life Cycle Of Plants
  • Egg To Butterfly
  • Life Cycle Of Animals
  • Let’s spread some seeds!

Grading Policy

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